Monday, April 9, 2012

One Pill Makes You Larger...

I made this bun about a year ago.
One of my favorites!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Brunch and candy followed by a week of egg salad? Genius! Even though the holiday is over, we shouldn't just forget about our lop-eared friends.

So put on some Jefferson Airplane and hit the jump for some hoppin' good photos.

I'm pretty sure this rabbit's eyes are following me around the room...
This sparkly bun comes from Patchwork Moose
 Felted and floppy--who could ask for anything more?
Felted bunny basket from Cuddle Bug Kids
If one pill makes you larger, the other must make your bunny itty bitty!
Tiny bunlet from Millie Fern
 Woah... it's getting psychedelic in here.
Multicolored bunny cascade from Were Rabbit

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