Friday, April 27, 2012


Pepika is sailing the high seas with this octopus pattern
I love the animals of the sea. They are so beautiful and strange and different from us! As a biologist, this makes my gears turn. How about those tentacles? Tentacles can be used for motion, grasping, eating, feeling, and even smell! Can you imagine smelling with your fingers?

So we have established that tentacles are the ultimate appendage. Now how the heck to I crochet them? I searched around for inspiration and found a lot! Jellyfish, octopi, and squids have all made it to the yarn realm and I'm ready to get my hook going after looking at all these wiggly, squiggly, spiraled, dangly, prehensile wonders.

Bring your scuba suit and hit the jump for more tentacular goodness.

The dangling tentacles on this mini jelly doesn't look too threatening, but the irukandji jellyfish is only 1 cubic centimeter and its sting can produce severe pain with only a small amount of venom.

Skeletal Dropkick has the pattern
 for this guy and two of his buddies
 This baby octopus is all dolled up. Wonder where she's going? I'm sure she'll find a date with those irresistable curly-Q tentacles.
The lucky octo-ette comes from Heloise V Crochet
 This pink octopus wants to help me get ready for a night on the town! I bet those long tentacles would do the trick.
This helpful octopus can be found at Bubbles and Bubblegum
 Extra long and extra curly, this squid's tentacles would be terrifying if I met them underwater! But this guy looks pretty snuggly on land.
You don't have to travel 10000 leagues, just head to Too Cute!
How about a rainbow of tentacles? Curly AND beaded!

Make these jellies from the pattern at Posi Plush

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