Friday, October 12, 2012

Eeek, a Bug!

Help! A vampire! Find this mosquito over at Katsie's Critters

I'm a little bug-o-phobic. Not "running out of the bathroom screaming if I see a spider" phobic, but I like to avoid them whenever possible. Perhaps due to the fact that I am delicious to biting insects. I mean, absolutely delectable. After a few years of summer camp in Minnesota (where the mosquito is considered the state bird), I wouldn't mind if I never saw another bug in my life. However, these cutie crochet bugs might swing my opinion in the other direction!

Hit the jump to become an amateur crochet entomologist!

This super cute bee family can be made especially for you over at Syppah's Cute Creations

I'm not sure what a Jerusalem Cricket is but I think I'll avoid them unless they're made of yarn.
Chirp over to Craft Frog Patterns to fin this orange-legged crawler

Who ever thought I'd be saying "awwww" about a larva? Find this little guy at Cute Workshop

Yikes! I wouldn't want this tick latching on. Find him at Ooh Look It's A Rabbit Designs

A snail that's not afraid of salt? Find him at Mini Shu Boutique

Serves them right for leaving food on the table--that's how you get ants! Or is it crocheting?
Find these picnic crashers over at Joysaphine's

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